
Cavity: All the Things You Need to Know

By July 5, 2013No Comments

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Dentists and dental problems always send a chill down our spine. This is partly due to the fear embedded in our minds since childhood or simply due to the many problems that happen if you ever end up having a dental treatment or a problem fixed. Many problems could be nipped in the bud and save the trouble of many dentist visits, consultation, treatments and monetary expense. One such very common problem is a cavity.

What is a Cavity?
We hear the word cavity in all kinds of advertisements and newspapers. But how often have we bothered researching what a cavity really is? Cavities are holes, gaps, or degradation in our teeth caused due to various reasons. The cavity needs to be filled in order to avoid any further problems due to exposure to food we consume, the drinks we take and anything else we use our mouths for during the day. A cavity is nothing but tooth decay caused due to plaque, which is germs, eating into our protective coating of enamel and eroding our teeth slowly overtime.

How to Detect and Get Treatment for Cavities?
Most cavities go unnoticed since we do not bother looking at our teeth at all, besides our regular brush times. You might experience pain during chewing, eating food or feel a tingling sensation. The tingling sensation happens since the erosion gradually exposes the nerve endings of our mouth. Visiting the dentist regularly for plaque removal is a great way to prevent it. If you already are experiencing any type of problems, it is better to visit your dentist as soon as you can and get the cavity filled before it spreads any further and destroys your beautiful teeth completely.

Prevention is Always Better than Cure
While you can detect a cavity and get it fixed, what makes more sense is to prevent the cavities from happening since the kind of effect they have is bad for the longevity of the teeth. There are few simple tips to avoid the problem of cavity:

a. Brush and floss every day. Rinse your mouth after meals, do it properly

b. Eat healthy, Visit your dentist regularly and keep a lookout for signs of trouble

c. Always keep chewing gums at hand and have one every day to produce bacteria fighting saliva for a healthy and germ free mouth

Be alert, prevent plaque and cavity, a little care, and caution is all it takes to save your teeth in perfectly good shape.

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