ChildrenHealthy HabitsNewsOral Care

Free Smile

By February 27, 2014No Comments


I want you to simply imagine something for a moment. You woke up late this morning and hurried to get ready. You grabbed a banana and a greek yogurt and flew out the door. You make it to wherever you were headed in the nick of time and find yourself talking to someone important. Guess what you forgot to do? Since this is a dentist’s blog you probably guessed brush your teeth. Bingo. You totally forgot that your breath reeks in the morning. Shoot. Don’t worry, this happens to everyone.

Brushing your teeth is more than just a routine. Brushing your teeth is a source of confidence. If your teeth are pearly white and your breath fresh you’ll have more confidence as you meet people throughout the day. Studies have also shown that people with good teeth are seen as being more trustworthy.

Keep your teeth clean. Keep them beautiful. If you are concerned about your smile come in and give us a visit. As a trusted family dentist in St. George, UT we promise to help you love your smile. Confidence in your smile will leave you, well, smiling.

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