Ever wondered what it’s like to be us?
As a trusted family dentist in St. George, Utah, we spend most of our time with you.
Dentists usually arrive 30 minutes before the first patient and hold a staff meeting. They go through each patient’s records and the procedure to be performed that day. If necessary, plans are made for future appointments.
Once finished with the staff meeting, each member breaks off to perform their respective roles. The first patients arrive and the team leads them to the treatment room. Typically, a dentist will see three to four patients at a time. Dental hygienists will clean teeth while the dental assistant and dentist work with the other patients.
If something more than a cleaning and checkup is needed, the doctor usually has to apply anesthetic. Most people stress out about the injection, but tend to handle it well. Patients typically don’t feel the needle going in. The burn they feel is typically from the anesthetic entering the tissue. The dentist will typically go to another patient while the anesthetic sinks in and come back to perform any procedures.
Doing fillings is also a common task as a dentist. We often have to drill away the rotten part of the tooth and put a filling in place. We also check any work performed by the hygienists and assistants. Root canals may be performed during the day. if the tooth is painful but not bad enough to pull, we fix it and disinfect it. The tooth is then filled with a rubbery material that is the foundation for the filling or crown. If a tooth is too rotten, we will pull it in oral surgery.
At the end of the average day, a general dentist has probably done 10-20 fillings, pulled teeth, done 1-2 crowns, done checkups for around 15 people, and maybe done one root canal. As a dentist in St. George, Utah, we enjoy the time we have to help you and your family maintain a great smile. No matter what ails you, we can help you with your oral health needs for a comfortable and affordable price. Check our website out for services!